(Southeast of Streamsong): 176 miles
- Take I-95 North toward Daytona Beach [17.1 Miles]
- Take Exit 87B SR-706 (West)/Indiantown RD toward Okeechobee [.9 Miles]
- Take FL Turnpike (North) Toward Orlando [77.6 Miles]
- Take Exit 193 SR-60W/YeeHaw Junction
- Take SR-60 West toward US-441/Okeechobee/Lake Wales [27.1 Miles]
- Turn Left (West) onto Hwy 630 E [14.4 Miles]
- Continue onto County RD 630/W County RD 630 [29.8 Miles]
- Turn Left (South) on FT Green RD [4.1 Miles]
- Continue Straight, past stop sign. Merge left onto Streamsong DR [1.65 Miles]
- Turn Right (East) onto Dunes Pass, 1.8 Miles to the Streamsong Clubhouse at 3000 Dunes Pass
Please be aware that rideshare programs like Uber and Lyft will drop off at Streamsong Golf Resort from local airports and other metropolitan locations, but they DO NOT pick up guests at Streamsong. If you have transportation needs from Streamsong to a local airport or other destination, please contact the resort services department at (888) 294-6322 for a preferred car service.